Welcome to PROBUS of Calpe and District
PROBUS of Calpe and District is a fellowship organisation for retired Professional and Businessmen. The Club was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the Members of the Swanage and Purbeck Rotary Club, and has been meeting its Members needs for fifteen years now.
Calpe PROBUS was the first PROBUS to be formed on mainland Spain, since when other clubs have been formed near Malaga and on the island of Minorca. There are thousands of PROBUS organisations all over the world.
Our Monthly Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month, except July, August, and December, after which our Ladies join us for Lunch, usually followed by a Speaker on a topic of general interest. Visiting PROBUS Members and other Guests are made very welcome.
We normally hold Social Events on the second Wednesday of each month. Details of which, as well as information about our monthly Meetings, can be obtained from Secretary Ian Ritchie on 96 583 3102 or iancar2G@hotmail.com