The idea like many was dreamt up over a meal and glass of wine (or two).
Andy Headford and Aileen Lightfoot were performing in a Gala evening late 2008, when the conversation somehow turned to Gilbert & Sullivan.
Both commented on their love of the operettas, and with Andy’s producing experience and Aileen’s conducting experience the logical step was to form a society.
In the cold light of day it still seemed a good idea, so they began the arrangements.
The weekly meetings began early February 2009, advertised for all that loved to perform or be involved in Gilbert and Sullivan.
Gradually over the weeks the membership has grown, although new members are still needed, particularly any ladies who sing alto.
The rehearsals are held at the New Med Dance Studio in Calpe, near the Hotel Esmerelda from 7pm to 8.30pm every Wednesday.
They are very social occasions, with an in house bar adding welcome lubrication to the vocal chords.
The serious work of learning all the songs is done in a light-hearted but organised manner, with everyone having the chance (if they wish) to perform a solo, duet or trio as well as singing in the main choruses.
The ability to read music is not necessary as each part is thoroughly rehearsed separately before being put together with other parts, all that is needed is a willingness to learn.