Calpe & Benissa Lions Club - raising funds for the community.
The Calpe and Benissa Lions Club is part of an international Lions network of 1.3 million men and women in 202 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Beginning in 1917, the association of Lions Clubs has provided millions of people with the opportunity to give something back to their communities.
When Helen Keller addressed the Lions International Convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, USA in 1925, she challenged them to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness". From this time, Lions Clubs have been actively involved in in service to the blind and visually impaired, working to end preventable blindness. The International Sight First Program works to eradicate blindness. The Lions also collect and recycle eyeglasses for distribution in developing countries.
The Lions Clubs International Foundation is helping Lions serve the world. Donations provide funding in the form of grants to financially assist Lion's districts with large scale humanitarian projects that are too extensive for Lions to finance on their own. The Lions Foundation aids Lions in making greater impact in their local communities, as well as around the world. Through LCIF, Lions ease pain and suffering and bring healing and hope to people worldwide. $100,000 was provide by the LCIF to eaase the plight of Costa Blanca communities due to the Gota Fria of 2007.
Grants provide both immediate assistance following natural disasters and long-term diaster relief for reconstruction efforts. Grants help preserve sight, combat disability, promote health and serve youth.
Supporting the international programs outlined above are a part of the aims and objectives of the Calpe and Benissa Lions Club.
The Calpe and Benissa Lions Club (Club de Leones de Calpe y Benissa) was founded in 2007. From that time, the Club has developed fundraising projects and service activities in the Calpe and Benissa areas, while ensuring friendships are developed through various social events.
Even prior to the official Charter, the Calpe and Benissa Lions approached and were granted $10,000 to provide potable water and blankets from the LCIF to cope with those affected by the Gota Fria along the Costa Blanca. The many fundraising events include the UK Youth Brass Band and many other concerts, Quizzes, a Flamenco Night, Sponsored Swims, Christmas Fayre, Fashion Shows, Tea Parties at the Iris Gardens at Marnes, Punch and Judy Puppet Show and Jazz on the Beach.
The funds raised at these events enable the Calpe and Benissa Lions Club to make substantial donations to many deserving associations and organizations such as the local Red Cross Ambulance, Calpe and Benissa Emaús children's homes, the Maite Boronat Institute for the handicapped, the Gargasindi Schiool for the mentally and physically disabled, the Raquel Paya School for the handicapped, the Alzheimer's Association, the Caritas charity for those in need, and the Costa Blanca samaritans. internationally, contributions have been made to the Myanmar Disaster Fund, the Chines Earthquake Fund, Haiti earthquake Fund, and the Lions World Sight Campaign.
Membership is open to men and women of all nationalities. As a member, you will be able to assist the club in determining the type of services provided to our communities and have the opportunity to meet other individuals in your community who wish to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Monthly meetings are held in English at the Casa de Cultura in Calpe at 4:45pm. on the first Monday of each month. if you would like to support the aims of the Calpe and Benissa Lions Club or would like more information regarding membership, please contact Secretary Bob Sydney : 96 597 3822
Please complete this form to request more information.